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We provide information, counselling and prescriptions for all methods of pregnancy prevention. Preventing a pregnancy involves using “birth control" and can include hormonal, non-hormonal, and barrier methods.

Birth control options.

  • Birth control pills

  • Barrier method (e.g. condoms)

  • Birth control patch (e.g. Evra)

  • Contraceptive ring (e.g. Nuvaring)

  • Intrauterine device IUD (e.g. Copper, Mirena, Kyleena)

  • Injectable (e.g. Depo Provera)

  • Single-rod implant (e.g. Nexplanon)

  • Emergency contraception (e.g. the morning-after pill, post-coital IUD)

To learn more about your different birth control options, visit It's a Plan. If you might need emergency contraception, see What's Next for Me, a website developed to help you choose and access emergency contraception.

For more information on the different types of contraception or birth control, click on a picture below:


Huronia Medical Centre

240 Penetanguishene Rd

Suite 100A, Midland ON


Tel: 705-540-8054
Fax: 705-526-2870

*A note on our use of the word “Women”: This clinic is for ALL people of any gender and any body type. The use of the title “Women’s Clinic” is a nod to the specific needs of those assigned female at birth, who midwives traditionally serve, and the fact that their health care is systemically under-funded and under-valued. This is also (especially) true for transgender and nonbinary people. We acknowledge and celebrate that ALL people deserve sexual health care regardless of gender, sex, or sexual orientation (including those who are asexual). We are  limited by the English language to fully encompass all those that we serve. We thank you for your understanding! 

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