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We provide information, counselling and prescriptions for all methods of pregnancy prevention. Preventing a pregnancy involves using “birth control" and can include hormonal, non-hormonal, and barrier methods.

Birth control options.

  • Birth control pills

  • Barrier method (e.g. condoms)

  • Birth control patch (e.g. Evra)

  • Contraceptive ring (e.g. Nuvaring)

  • Intrauterine device IUD (e.g. Copper, Mirena, Kyleena)

  • Injectable (e.g. Depo Provera)

  • Single-rod implant (e.g. Nexplanon)

  • Emergency contraception (e.g. the morning-after pill, post-coital IUD)

To learn more about your different birth control options, visit It's a Plan. If you might need emergency contraception, see What's Next for Me, a website developed to help you choose and access emergency contraception.

For more information on the different types of contraception or birth control, click on a picture below:

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